Discusión:Federico Alberto Lange

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Revisión a fecha de 16:31 20 feb 2009; JJLG (Discusión | contribuciones)

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¿Era economista en algún sentido? No encuentro ninguna referencia a una actividad de Lange como economista.

--JJLG 11:53 19 feb, 2009 (CET)

Lange economista

En la entrada dedicada a Federico Alberto Lange, en la Stanford Enciclopedy puedes encontrar esto:

The first edition of the Arbeiterfrage was created in response to heated debates about political strategy in the developing labor movement. It was followed by a second and third edition that to an increasing degree took up more theoretical questions. The Arbeiterfrage was, like the works of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and others of the period, shaped by a direct experience of rapid industrialization. A crucial consequence of this industrialization was the generation of an impoverished urban working class.


Lange's position is one of socialist Darwinism (as opposed to social Darwinism). Lange accepted a modified version of [[Tom%E1s_Roberto_Malthus|Thomas Malthus]]'s concerns about the relation between increases in population and food production: ???The truth of the Malthusian theory consists therefore in this, that the growth of the population constantly reaches the limit that the growth of the means of subsistence permits??? (Lange 1975b, 31; Weikart 1999, 86). This is an essential part of the explanation of the social conditions of the working class. He quotes Darwin to emphasize that it is population pressure that lies behind the struggle for existence for all organisms. This, he emphasizes, includes humans (Lange 1894, 2). Within capitalism the struggle for existence for the working class becomes a struggle for wages.

Por otro lado, en alemán y más o menos contemporáneo a Lange, puede verse:

Naúm Reichesberg, Friedrich Albert Lange als Nationalökonom, Publicado por K.J. Wyss, 1892.

De esta manera, efectivamente puede decirse que Lange era un economista, al menos en su sentido más material, aunque formalmente no tuviera un título universitario que así lo refrendara.

--Symploke 12:11 20 feb, 2009 (CET)

Ya veo. He pasado por ese artículo de la Stanford por encima, leyendo sólo el encabezado y tomando el apartado «The Labor Question», sin leerlo, como referida, sin más, a su papel de «political activist». My fault.

--JJLG 17:02 20 feb, 2009 (CET)